“Till Death Do Us Part – Hopefully”: Planning in Uncertain Times
“Till Death Do Us Part – Hopefully”: Planning in Uncertain Times by Lauren Blake
Read Article“Till Death Do Us Part – Hopefully”: Planning in Uncertain Times by Lauren Blake
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Read ArticlePREPARING FOR PROPOSED CHANGES Many taxpayers are aware that an exemption from tax on capital gains may be available when those gains arise from the disposition of their principal residence. However, proposed changes to the Income Tax Act could limit the ability of many taxpayers to claim the principal residence exemption (the “PRE”). Trustees, in particular, need to be aware of the proposed changes. Current Requirements Generally speaking, a Canadian resident individual can claim the PRE if the taxpayer owned the housing unit and it was ordinarily inhabited by the taxpayer or his or her spouse or child. In…
Read ArticleINTRODUCTION This paper identifies the building blocks of an estate plan that are necessary to ensure a client’s financial and health care wishes during life, as well as the disposition of his or her assets on death, are accomplished in a way that is beneficial not only to the client, but also to those individuals that are to benefit from the plan. Issues to be considered by a good plan include tax, probate avoidance, privacy, dispute minimization and efficiency. Important to understanding a good plan is both appreciating the planning options available and also the consequences of having no plan. 1. …
Read ArticleINTRODUCTION The position of executor brings with it incredible responsibility and serious potential for liability. Although the fees awarded for fulfilling the duties may seem generous, in all honesty, you are paid for what you get. A person should consider a number of factors, before agreeing to assume the role of executor. Consideration should be given to the time involved, the level of remuneration, the personal relationship of the appointee with the beneficiaries, the character of each of the beneficiaries, the nature of the testator’s assets, the particular terms of the Will and the potential for…
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